Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Why Youtube continues to generate enthusiasm among young people?

In recent years, the presence of a significant number of young people on the Youtube platform has been increasingly noticed . Oddly enough, the question that arises is why they are so interested in it. The following article will allow us to know more.

Brief presentation of the Youtube platform

Youtube is both an online video hosting website and a social network that allows you to create and download content, watch videos and get in touch with other users via your smartphone, tablet or his

computer. It was created in 2005 and then acquired in 2006 by the powerful Google search engine . It constitutes a reference platform for thousands of users. According to online information, it is the second most visited website in the world . Its functionalities are as follows:

  • Finding and Viewing Videos : Youtube offers a wide variety of videos, making it a form of entertainment today. Whether you are interested in movie trailers, video games, Youtube channels, you have the ability to search and watch whatever content you want.
  • Interact with other videos : from your account, you can comment, like or dislick videos. Also, you can share content on other social networks or website.
  • Create a Youtube channel : the Youtube platform gives you the possibility to create a channel on which you can put your own content. Thus, you will be able to post videos, make live, browse live, etc.
  • Subscribe to other channels : thanks to this feature, you will not lose sight of the channels that interest you and you will receive notifications whenever there is something new on it.

Some reasons why Youtube is arousing enthusiasm among young people

There are several reasons for the great interest young people have in the Youtube platform. Here are a few.

Youtube, a real center of interest for young people

The Youtube platform allows young people to find their center of interest . Indeed, in addition to allowing young people to meet each other, to have fun and have fun, it also allows them to follow the personalities and stars they like. Also, it allows them to discover a little more about an activity or a subject that fascinates them and interests them through advice, tutorials and others.

Youtube, direct access to the content of your choice;

Young people prefer Youtube because on this platform, they have the possibility to directly choose the content of their choice without wasting time . In addition, several tips allow you to convert Youtube videos in order to download them locally. Click here  to find out more

Youtube, an interesting learning medium;

Some studies have shown that Youtube is a good learning medium for young people. In fact, apart from the idea of ​​having fun, many young people consult videos for educational purposes and especially for the purpose of learning. These young people prefer to document and learn through videos than to read scientific content in paper, PDF, etc. This is explained by the fact that the format of the content seems simpler and more accessible.

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